COVID 19 UPDATE: lock down activities

As per the new ministerial decree dated 22nd March 2020, in order to face the COVID-19 emergency, the lockdown of all non essential activities has been imposed from 23rd March to 13rd April 2020. According to ATECO codification, our activity is considered non essential therefore we are forced to lockdown. However, we have been given the opportunity to remain open until Wednesday 25th March to complete urgent activities before the closure , such as last shipments / receptions of goods and administrative activities related to payments to be made. However, even during this period we will always be available through our email addresses for any clarification or communication: our back office will be continuing office activity remotely. During this time we will analyze the orders in progress and recalculate new delivery dates, while carrying out our internal projects. In this way we will be ready 100% as soon as emergency will be revoked.

3C Catene - Sosp.attivita coronavirus ITA

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