Certificate of Quality System upgrade

On 23/02/12 occurred the Audit of the Quality System 3C by an independent evaluator. he test was successful and was therefore issued the new certificate.
Walter Cortiana interviewed by the Italian magazine FERRAMENTA 2000
The magazine “FERRAMENTA 2000” dedicates the month of February to the “chain market” with a special interwiew, with the title: “incatenati alla qualità” at pag. 56. It is an overview on the most important Italian producers. Special comments made by the Sales Manager of the 3C company, Mr Walter Cortiana. The magazine has a web […]
New catalog 3C CATENE

The new Catalog is ready, renewed graphically and with lot of news. n the next weeks our commercial office will deliver copy of it to all clients illustrating the novelties in comparison to the previous edition. It is also possible to directly download it from the site in version pdf in the section products and […]

3C Catene attended the International Hardware Fair show in Koln from the 28th February up to the 3rd March. The stand was created and designed to show the strong brand of the company and the business value of the “Made in Italy”. Excellent success both as visitors that for the very good quality of the […]
Walter Cortiana interviewed by the Italian magazine FERRAMENTA 2000

The magazine “Hardware 2000” dedicates the month of May to the “chain market” with a special interwiew, with the title: “the power of made in Italy”. Special comments made by the Sales Manager of the 3C company, Mr Walter Cortiana. The magazine has a web site at the following address: www.ferramenta2000.net
3C CATENE wins the Benchart award

Tuesday December 8 th, on behalf of the “ARTIGIANATO IN FIERA” Exibition at Rho-Pero Fair, took place the “Awards ceremony” of BENCHART 2009 project, the Benchmarking which involves all to the artisan companies of the Lombardy. Our company won the 3° award in the area “Quality and Innovation in the production.” In the photo Walter […]
Quality System Certificate updating

The 23rd of March 2009 we had the Quality system siteispection by an external corporate valuer. The final result has been positive and a new new certificate already updated with the new norm UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 has been realised. This certificate can be downloaded in the section “the values chain” clicking on the special […]
PRACTICAL WORLD exibition Colonia march 2008

From 8th March to 12th 2008, 3C chains had attended with its own stan the Exibition PRACTICAL WORLD in Colonia. We have obtained an excellent result and the success found from the visitors from all the world confirm us our quality about products and packaging.
3C at FERROFORMA traid fair at Bilbao

3C will be attend as exhibitor the FERROFORMA Exibition which will take place in Bilbao from 7th up to 10th March 2007. The show is one of the most important events in the European sector of the hardware and of the bricolage. 3C at own stand will introduce its products (chains and accessories) services and […]
“The ladies of the rings” on the magazine Ferramenta 2000

In the number of May 2007 of the magazine “Hardware 2000” there is a special service about the market of the chains in Italy. The service also regards the interviews to some of the most important Italian operators of the sector and among these persons there is our Sales Manager Walter Cortiana. The magazine is […]
New Quality System Certification

The 15th March 2006 we had the siteinspection of the ECA CERT CERTIFICACION S.A. to verifify our internal Quality System in accord to the norms UNI EN ISO 9001:2000. We are pleased to inform you that the System has passed the verification and within few days we will receive the new certificate which attest our […]
New finishing

We inform you that we have just inserted in our range products the finishing “Nickeled Black”. If you wish a sample, please contact our Sales Department.