Closing Christmas time 2017

on the occasion of the Christmas holidays, our company will be closed from Saturday 23 December 2017 to Monday, 1 January 2018. Happy holidays to everybody!
ABOUT US: Interview with 3C CATENE on the magazine FERRAMENTA 2000

FERRAMENTA 2000, the reference magazine in Italy for the hardware sector, published in the issue of October 2017 page 34 the “chains” dossier. Among the interviewees there is also the Commercial Manager of 3C CATENE Mr Walter Cortiana. FERRAMENTA 2000 also has an internet portal (website) :
New articles codification

During the summer break a new codification has been effected for the reorganization of the computer System that manages our internal store. The new code article is of 14 characters instead of 9. We remain to disposition for any question or support.
Made in Italy

In a globalisation age, the market in confusud particulary on respect the quality and the nature of the purchased products. Is not often declared if the product is of importation or it is national and the consumer has always the doubt about the quality and on the ethical value of what it purchases. This is […]
3C CATENE wins the WELFARE INDEX 2017 award

3C CATENE wins the first place in the national competition WELFARE INDEX PMI for the craft sector. The competition has analyzed the level of corporate welfare of 3422 Italian PMI (454 artisan companies) evaluating the safety protection projects and the welfare of employees as a business success factor. On behalf of the group, the 28th […]
Interview to Mr Walter Cortiana in the magazine HARDWARE 2000

In November 2015, the magazine Hardware 2000 has a special page dedicated to the chains. (page 71); also interviewed our Sales Manager Walter Cortiana. The magazine also has a website, the most important Italian portal of hardware. Visit our link 3C CATENE where are explained the articles of our production.
Quality System upgrading

On 29th March 2016 was made the periodic “Quality System 3C surveillance visit” by the independent external auditor. The result has been positive, confirming the Quality System in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2008.

Even for 2015 FERRAMENTA PORTALE.COM, the most important Italian portal of hardware, is a partner of 3C CATENE. We have a company profile where our products are presented
Quality system upgrading

On 06th March 2015 was made the periodic “Quality System 3C surveillance visit” by the independent external evaluator. It is ‘possible to download the certificate by clicking on the box in the section “products and specifications”. The result has been positive, confirming the Quality System in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2008.
3C CATENE and the environment

With a view to focus on the environment, to save energy and improving the quality of the workplace, in the summer two new investments have been made: • A new light-system of all the working places by replacing traditional lamps with LED lamps. In addition to an increase in quality of lighting it is achieved […]
Quality System Upgrading

On 04th April 2014 was made the periodic “Quality System 3C surveillance visit” by the independent external evaluator. The result has been positive, confirming the Quality System in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2008. It is ‘possible to download the certificate by clicking on the box in the section “products and specifications”.
New articles catalog

We inform you that we have added two new articles in the catalog, namely: • Chain ø1,95x12x4 mm • Chain ø3,00x16x5 mm Both belong to family chain norm UNI 5685-2 also known as “short link”. We will be glad to make an offer concernig finishing and packaging of your interest, the Sales Department is at […]