New finish in the catalogue

We have the new finish HOT DIP GALVANISED in the catalogue. It offers more resistance to atmospheric agents and is especially suitable for agriculture and nautical applications. Ask for a quote!
Closing Easter time

During Easter time and Spring holidays our company will be closed on Monday 22/04, Thursday 25/04, Friday 26/04 and Wednesday 01/05.Happy Easter to all!
Updating of our website

We have updated and improved the section PRODUCTS in order to facilitate the search of the required item. Do not hesitate to contact us directly for any further information you may require. We will help you to find the best item for your requirements.
3C Catene is on Ferramenta portale

Once again, for 2019 FERRAMENTA PORTALE.COM, the most important Italian hardware portal, is a partner of 3C CATENE. We are promoting here with a COMPANY CARD where our products are presented.
Youtube channel 3C Catene

We have a Youtube channel where we have collected videos, interviews and events about our activity. Come and visit it HERE!
Closing christmas time

on the occasion of the Christmas holidays, our company will be closed from Saturday 22 December 2018 to Sunday, 6 January 2019.Happy holidays to everybody!
About us: interview in the ferramenta journal

FERRAMENTA, the Italian professional journal for Hardware and DIY field, published in its last edition of October 2018 on page 52 the Dossier about “chains”. Also the commercial manager of 3C Catene Walter Cortiana was interviewed.
3c catene thinks of your privacy

We have updated our system according to the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) entered into force on May 25th 2018. We kindly ask you to view the privacypolicy in order to understand how we process your data.
Facebook page of 3C CATENE
We also have a Facebook page, where you can find contents, photos, information about 3C Catene and our activities. Visit us on FACEBOOK here!
Company closing for summer holidays

We inform that during summer time, we will be closed from 4th August to 26th August. Happy holidays to everybody!
New product in the catalogue

The Genovese steel chain range has been enriched by the new no.19 Ø 3,90 mm.It can be supplied in all finishes and packaging available in the catalogue and featured on our website. Contact us for a custom quote!
3C catene certifiied UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

On February 8th Aenor’s Surveillance Audit took place for the transition of our Company Quality System from UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008 to the new standard 9001: 2015.Having successfully passed the examination, 3C CHAINS is now certified UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015.You can download the new certificate updated directly from this PAGE