3C Catene for the environment

We are integrating our company Quality System with environmental certification. Next April we will receive the visit of the certification institute for the assessment of the conformity of our company to the UNI EN ISO 14001 standard.It is a path that we are undertaking with determination and pride because attention to the environment is one […]
3C Catene is back!

And finally here we are! We are ready to restart again … During the lockdown imposed to face COVID-19 contagion emergency, we partially kept doing our work to guarantee the continuity of chains production for essential activities.Furthermore, we have also implemented safety and health procedures and a new organizational set to make sure our people […]
COVID 19 UPDATE: lock down activities

As per the new ministerial decree dated 22nd March 2020, in order to face the COVID-19 emergency, the lockdown of all non essential activities has been imposed from 23rd March to 13rd April 2020. According to ATECO codification, our activity is considered non essential therefore we are forced to lockdown. However, we have been given […]
3C CATENE presente su ferramenta portale

FERRAMENTA PORTALE.COM, the most important Italian hardware portal, is partner of 3C CATENE also for 2020. Have a look at our COMPANY CARD where the product lines in the catalogue are presented.
Commercial documentation download

In the “catalogues and brochures” section you may download the commercial documentation to be kept on your computer to learn more about our company.In the “ISO Certification” section, instead, the updated certificate of the company Quality System as well as the Quality Manual may be downloaded.
Closing christmas time

on the occasion of the Christmas holidays, our company will be closed from Saturday 21 December 2018 to Monday, 6 January 2020.Happy holidays to everybody
Online quotations

Do you need a quotation for a chain? Enter our online catalogue and search for the product among the various shown categories. You can directly fill out a quote request indicating the item and the desired quantities. You will then receive a quotation complete with all the information necessary for your evaluation. For each item […]
About us: interview in the ferramenta journal

FERRAMENTA, the Italian professional journal for Hardware and DIY field, published in its last edition of September 2019 on page 70 the Dossier about “chains”. Also the commercial manager of 3C Catene Walter Cortiana was interviewed.
Your customizations dealt as they were our standard

e can customize our products according to your needs.Customizations that concern the chain cut to size, packaging and finishes.We can also put your labels on the packaging or directly package the chain using your packaging.Thus, you will have the product ready to be used or sold without further handling or issues of any kind.Once we […]
Company closing for summer holidays

Please note that, during the summer period, the company will be closed from Saturday 3rd to Sunday 25th August. Enjoy your holidays!
New EAN13 bar codes management

We are now able to handle the printing of EAN13 barcodes on product packaging. Generally, our articles show the internal company barcode but there is also the option to have them printed with the EAN13 code used for product identification in the big distribution.
Certification maintenance audit UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015

On April 10th last, the surveillance audit by AENOR took place to verify the adequacy of our Company Quality System to the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard. The Audit result was positive and confirms the excellent efficacy of the company’s system. The certificate may be downloaded HERE.