Energy requalification of the office building

Did you know that our Environmental System is UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 certified?We have just energy upgraded our office building. Our entire production site is now insulated to maintain an ideal indoor climate without wasting heating and electricity. We are constantly investing in using fewer and fewer resources in our production processes. Every year we […]
Company closing for summer holidays

We inform you that, during the summer period, the company will be closed from Saturday 31st of July to Sunday 22nd of August. Enjoy your holidays!
Are you looking for made in italy chains?

Are you looking for made in italy chains?Made in Italy? Better yet… Made in Lecco! We manufacture every metre of chain we sell in-house. 99% of all purchases of raw materials, surface treatments and packaging take place within a radius of 150 km. ✅ This short supply chain therefore guarantees the control of each stage […]
Did you know that our quality system is UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certified?

We have had a certified company system since March 2000. Being certified according to globally recognized standards guarantees process standards and an efficient organization. This translates for the customer into: punctuality, reduction of errors and misunderstandings, efficiency and speed of response. Certification for us is not just a brand name, it is a professional style […]
3C CATENE certifications

On March 11 and 12, we had the surveillance audit by AENOR for the annual verification of our Quality-Environment System in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:20015 and UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 standards.Having successfully passed the examination, we have also been issued with updated certificates that you can download directly from this PAGE.
Ceremony for the delivery of the vehicle for the transport of disabled ANTEAS LECCO

Last May 11th, at the headquarters of ANTEAS LECCO, was held the ceremony of handing over to the community of Lecco of the equipped for the mobility of the disabled vehicle.The vehicle has been financed by some companies from Lecco and it was a real pleasure for 3C CATENE to be among them.In fact, we […]
Happy Easter

Closing christmas time

on the occasion of the Christmas holidays, our company will be closed from Tuesday 24 December 2020 to Wednesday, 6 January 2021.
About us: interview in the Ferramenta journal

FERRAMENTA, the Italian professional journal for Hardware and DIY field, published in its last edition of September 2020 on page 30 the Dossier about “chains”. Also the commercial manager of 3C Catene Walter Cortiana was interviewed.
Download the new environmental certificate

In April 2020, in addition to the ISO 9001:2015 certified company system, we also received the ISO 14001:2015 environmental certification. You can download the new certificate directly from our website.
Company closing for summer holidays

Please note that, during the summer period, the company will be closed from Saturday 8rd to Sunday 23th August. Enjoy your holidays!
3C Catene now also has the environmental certification

In April 2020, following the audit carried out by the AENOR accredited body, we also obtained the environmental certification according to the UNI EN-ISO 14001:2015 standards, and we are extremely satisfied with the result, which complements the Quality System certification already in place since 2000.Soon we will give you the possibility to download the environmental […]