In recent months our company has implemented an energy efficiency project, financed under the call “Investments for recovery 2022” promoted by the Lombardy Region on Axis III POR-FESR 2014-2020 / Innovation and competitiveness
Thanks to this project, our company has created an energy efficiency path, which involved the activation of specialist consultancy for the definition of the intervention plan, the replacement of machinery with new, more energy efficient machines and the installation of consumption monitoring, as well as a photovoltaic system. The interventions carried out allow significant reductions in consumption, enhance sustainable energy deriving from renewable sources, ensure greater energy independence for our company and the complete elimination of the gas resource in company processes.
Thanks to regional funding and the support of Confartigianato Imprese Lecco which accompanied us in the development of the project, we can now count on more energy efficient production processes and better performance in terms of energy and environmental sustainability, as well as competitiveness.