3C Catene is preparing to launch the activities regarding the energy efficiency project set in motion in July 2022. After analyzing data on the energy consumption of various departments and their correlated equipment/machinery, and weighing in the strategic evaluations on the possibilities of energy savings and self-generation of electricity, it is finally time to get started.
“The project stems from our vision of reducing the company’s impact on the environment as much as possible, and we are already making good progress toward this goal. The primary objective of our current project is to achieve 70% energy autonomy for standard process requirements by June 2023,”commented Walter Cortiana, commercial director of 3C Catene.
The project is going to unfold in 3 essential phases:
– the replacement of particularly energy-intensive plants with the most advanced technologies available;
– the elimination of methane gas for indoor heating, replacing current systems with new heat pump equipment;
– the installation of a photovoltaic system on the roof of the production site.
“At our company, we recognize the importance of reducing consumption of the planet’s resources. We are committed to this goal and believe that renewable energy sources offer the most efficient and sustainable way to power our industrial processes, as well as enhance our products and services even more. ”