General conditions of sale

We want to share the Charter of services and General Conditions of Sale with the customer, with the objective of fulfilling all the commercial/relational aspects therein. The intent is to facilitate clarity in trade relations to avoid possible misunderstandings, inefficient services, waste of time and resources, especially in the first contact stage.

General conditions of sale

On receiving a quotation request, 3C CATENE undertakes to send the quotation to the CUSTOMER:within:
– one business day for requests related to standard articles and/or sales terms and conditions.
– three working days for requests related to non-standard articles and/or sales terms and conditions or for particularly complex customisations.
3C CATENE undertakes to respond to administrative or commercial requests within one business day.

Each time a new price list is issued, 3C CATENE will send a copy to the customer. The price list contains the prices and information relating to articles in the catalogue, and comes in a standard version and, for customers who purchase customised products, in a “non-standard” version. The price list in question remains in force until further notice from 3C CATENE. The updated version of the price list will be made available on the company’s website.
For scheduled orders, customised price lists will be analysed and discussed with individual customers and blocked for a specific period.

At the beginning of each business relationship, and in case of subsequent changes and/or updates, every CUSTOMER will receive the “Conditions of Sale Form CAT 4” that summarises all of the supply conditions in place (payment method, bank details, discounts, port, transportation, various notes …).

The opening/closing times of the offices and times for delivery/collection of goods are indicated on the corporate website in the Contacts section.

The ongoing commitment of 3C CATENE is to satisfy all aspects of CUSTOMER requirements, regarding both the customisation of its products and services and also any special requests that can arise within their commercial relations. The objective of 3C CATENE is therefore to “standardise the customisation” required by each individual CUSTOMER so they are a standard on which he is always able to count on.

The ongoing commitment of 3C CATENE is to provide the CUSTOMER with all relevant information to enable him to choose the most suitable product at the best purchase conditions. The communication tools provided by 3C CATENE (website, catalogue and price list, sales brochures, conditions of sale, special offers) are always up to date and indicate all information required by the CUSTOMER in order to draw up a clear and unambiguous quotation request or order. Updates are performed in real time on the website or communicated promptly to the CUSTOMER in the most appropriate manner.
The “General Conditions of Sale” apply to relationships with enterprises and professional operators in the industry.
They become an integral part of the purchase agreement and the references are cited on each order confirmation issued. No other and/or conflicting conditions are acknowledged unless 3C CATENE has given written confirmation to the CUSTOMER.

General conditions of sale

The present conditions of sale and delivery, unless otherwise expressly agreed between the parties in the order confirmation, are an integral part of any supply contract concerning the products marketed by 3C CATENE. In the event of any inconsistency between these General Conditions and the Special Conditions contained in the Order, the Specific Conditions shall prevail, provided they have been confirmed expressly and in writing by 3C CATENE.

– The minimum purchase amount for the first order is established in Euro 200.00, packaging, transport and VAT excluded.
– For invoices with amounts below Euro 200.00 with payment by bank order, an extra Euro 2.00 will be charged on the invoice.
– Orders must be sent in writing to avoid misunderstandings and allow 3C CATENE to understand all the requirements of the CUSTOMER.
– Orders only become binding after acceptance by 3C CATENE and delivery of the written order confirmation.
– The order confirmation contains all the necessary elements to process the order; if no reports or claims are made by the CUSTOMER within 1 working day following the submission of the same, the order confirmation submitted by 3C CATENE shall be deemed as fully compliant with the CUSTOMER’s demands. The order confirmation is always sent:
– Within one business day for orders relating to standard articles and/or conditions of sale.
– Within three working days for orders relating to non-catalogue articles and/or conditions of sale or customised articles and/or conditions.
If, therefore, after sending an order to 3C CATENE, no confirmation is received within the terms indicated above, it is the responsibility of the CUSTOMER to contact 3C CATENE to verify and/or request the same be sent again.
– No amendments to orders in progress are permitted without prior written confirmation by 3C CATENE.
– 3C CATENE will evaluate the possible cancellation of the orders requested by the CUSTOMER.
– For articles with packaging other than “boxes” the quantities delivered, whatever the unit of measure expressed (m, kg, no., etc.) can vary by +/- 5% from those ordered and indicated on the order confirmation order without this affecting the validity of the contract and even if “approx.” is not indicated in the Specific Conditions.

– The price is indicated in the order confirmation along with any discounts. Anything not specifically mentioned in the order confirmation is by no means binding for 3C CATENE.
– Payments shall be made to 3C CATENE according to the method, amount and deadlines agreed, and may not be suspended or delayed for any reason. The CUSTOMER is responsible for the payment transmission risks, whatever the chosen payment system. Payments shall be effected in accordance to the payment terms and conditions agreed and specified in the order confirmation.
– The CUSTOMER has no right to withhold payments against warranty claims or other disputes which are not approved by 3C CATENE.
– If the CUSTOMER does not settle payments within the agreed deadlines, 3C CATENE shall be entitled to charge interest on arrears calculated from the initial due date until actual payment.
– In case of late payments with respect to the agreed deadlines, and unless otherwise agreed with 3C CATENE, the CUSTOMER shall pay 3C CATENE interest on arrears on overdue amounts.
The applicable interest rate will be two points higher than the Euribor three-month rate as published by “Il Sole 24 Ore” on the due date of the payment or the most recent publication before that day.
– In case of non-payment, 3C CATENE reserves the right to suspend and/or cancel delivery of the articles ordered by the CUSTOMER, even if 3C CATENE has already issued a written order confirmation.

– Any discrepancies and anomalies compared with the ordered articles must be detected by the CUSTOMER during incoming material controls, and notified in writing within 8 days after delivery of the articles to the CUSTOMER.
– Articles can only be returned if previously agreed and authorised by 3C CATENE (also including shipping methods).
Returned articles together with their original packaging and packing must always arrive in the same condition in which they were supplied.
– If the claim is accepted by 3C CATENE, its liability shall be limited to replacement of the faulty article or a possible refund of its value as indicated on the order confirmation.

– In the case of the sales condition “packing materials charged”, the relative amount will be invoiced at cost.
– In the case of the sales condition “packing material to be returned”, the CUSTOMER will return the packing materials as indicated on the packing material inventory list (Form PRLC 1) sent by 3C CATENE at the end of each month.
– The returnable packing materials must be:
– In the case of crates marked “3C CATENE”, the same as those received.
– In the case of other packing materials, the same as those received or different as long as they are in good condition and have the same functionality.

– Unless the delivery deadline is expressly stated in the order confirmation as “executive”, the delivery times are indicative (within the tolerance stated in the order confirmation) and related to business days.
– The term ready-to-ship refers to articles available for sale at the time the inventory query was made, “subject to sale”.
– 3C CATENE undertakes to respect the agreed delivery terms. Events which prevent or delay the shipping of articles such as, by way of example but not limited to: delayed supplies in the supply chain, and other facts that prevent or delay production and/or processing, are conventionally considered Acts of God and 3C CATENE shall not be held responsible for the delay in delivery.
– In the above-mentioned cases, 3C CATENE may delay the delivery for as long as the cause of delay persists.

– Transport, unless otherwise agreed in writing, shall be charged to the CUSTOMER. However, even in case of “ex-works transport”, by request of the CUSTOMER, 3C CATENE may contact the carrier directly to agree on the shipping details when the articles are ready. In any case the CUSTOMER bears full responsibility for the transportation of the orders.

– 3C CATENE undertakes to supply products to the CUSTOMER in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions and in compliance with current regulations. The CUSTOMER is responsible for checking the quality of the supplied articles and their suitability for the intended use of the product before relative commissioning. Therefore 3C CATENE is relieved of all and any liability for damage caused during the use of its products, without appropriate incoming material controls being performed by the CUSTOMER and relative communication to 3C CATENE.
– 3C CATENE also declines all responsibility for the improper use of the supplied products.
– At the request of the CUSTOMER, certificates are issued relating to raw materials and/or finished products, or statements of compliance with specific laws and/or regulations in force. No amendments and/or alterations to such certificates are permitted and will be punishable.

– Within the scope of its contractual relations 3C CATENE is entitled to store, transmit, process and delete data referring to the CUSTOMER according to the legislation in force.
– The Parties hereby undertake to maintain the strictest confidentiality towards third parties concerning all information they may become aware of during such contractual relations.

– Contracts shall be governed by the Italian legislation in force. No dispute relating to the interpretation or execution of the sales contract shall release the CUSTOMER from the obligation to comply with the agreed payment terms and does not infer any extension of the agreed due dates.
– The Court of Lecco is granted full jurisdiction for all and any disputes which may arise.